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We Can Help With...

We can help clients facing a wide variety of concerns and conditions. The list below includes some of the most common concerns with which we help.

High Blood Pressure

Typical dietary interventions for high blood pressure involve switching to bland, low-sodium foods, but what if low-sodium and heart healthy don't have to mean ignoring your taste buds?


Together we will 

  • Find low-sodium and heart healthy foods you enjoy

  • Find healthier swaps for some of your favorite foods

  • Learn how to read food labels to find low sodium foods

  • Effectively implement diet-related recommendations your physician has made

High Cholesterol

What you eat can play an integral role in raising or lowering your cholesterol and can influence your ratio of good to bad cholesterol. Working together, we can improve your cholesterol numbers and reduce your risk for heart disease.


Together we will

  • Identify sources of cholesterol in your diet

  • Find healthier swaps and cooking techniques for some of your favorite foods

  • Build a plan that includes cholesterol-binding foods

  • Incorporate foods and habits that raise your good cholesterol and lower your bad cholesterol into your plan

Crohn's Disease

Whether your Crohn's has resulted in poor nutrient absorption or intestinal resection, we can work together to build a plan that reduces your risk for nutrient deficiencies and helps manage your symptoms.


Together we will

  • Discuss nutrients that may be deficient or poorly absorbed due to illness and/or resections

  • Identify appropriate foods and/or supplements to reduce risk of nutrient deficiencies

  • Create a remission eating pattern that helps manage symptoms

Type 1 Diabetes

Few conditions are so related to nutrition as type 1 diabetes, but with that comes a multitude of misinformation and confusion. Initially, some may feel that every bite or injection is a matter of life or death. If you (or your child) have just been diagnosed or if you've been dealing with type 1 for years, we can work together to improve your blood glucose control and ensure you are not just living with type 1 but thriving.


Together we will

  • Learn how to count carbs

  • Discuss the relationships between the foods you eat, your lifestyle, and your blood sugar

  • Identify foods that your blood glucose responds to in unexpected ways

  • Build a practical, enjoyable eating pattern that helps you meet your blood glucose targets

Type 2 Diabetes

For some clients, a type 2 diabetes diagnosis came as a complete shock. For others, given their family history, it felt inevitable. Regardless of their initial reaction, what most clients don't realize is even after receiving a type 2 diabetes diagnosis, there is so, so much they can do to help prevent or delay the multitude of complications (e.g., the need for dialysis, amputations) of diabetes. Together we can bring your blood sugar into better control and keep you living a healthy life...even with type 2 diabetes.


Together we will

  • Learn how to build meals that help you manage your blood sugar

  • Discuss how the foods you eat, your lifestyle, and your medications impact your blood sugar

  • Build a practical, enjoyable eating pattern that helps you manage your blood sugar and prevent complications

  • Determine if weight loss will help you manage your blood sugar better and build an appropriate weight loss or weight maintenance plan


What so many who have been diagnosed with pre-diabetes don't realize is that their state of insulin resistance is reversible, and their conversion into full-blown type 2 diabetes can be delayed if not prevented. Join us in fighting back against the increase of type 2 diabetes in our region by lowering your personal risk.


Together we will

  • Discuss your risk factors for developing type 2 diabetes

  • Build a healthy lifestyle plan that includes eating for weight loss and increasing your physical activity, the two most effective, evidence-based lifestyle interventions for reducing your risk for type 2 diabetes 

Gestational Diabetes & Diabetes During Pregnancy

Whether diabetes is new to you during this pregnancy, or you've lived with type 1 or type 2 diabetes for years, much can be done with nutrition to help your pregnancy is a healthy one. Poorly managed diabetes during pregnancy can result in complications for both mother and child. Together we can build an eating plan that reduces your risk for these complications.


Together we will

  • Build a healthy eating plan that meets your nutrition needs for pregnancy and manages your blood sugar

  • Identify practical ways for you to reduce your risk for developing diabetes (for those with gestational diabetes) or reduce your risk for diabetes complications (for those with types 1 or 2) later on in life

Food Allergies & Intolerances

Having a food allergy necessitates avoiding a food altogether. It may be a challenge to determine whether this allergen is present in a food and to replace nutrients that may be lost in your diet by avoiding the allergen. 


Whether you're struggling a food intolerance, like lactose or fructose intolerance, we can help build an eating pattern that avoids what you are intolerant to while preventing nutrient deficiencies.


Together we will

  • Learn how to read food labels to determine whether the allergen is present

  • Build a healthy eating pattern that avoids the food you're allergic or intolerant to while preventing nutrient deficiencies

Food Sensitivities

Whether you're struggling with non-celiac gluten sensitivity or have found another food or food component you are sensitive to, we can help you identify sources of that food and build healthy meals. I am a Certified Leap Therapist (CLT), enabling me to interpret results of the Mediator Release Test (MRT) for food sensitivities and assist clients with following the LEAP protocol. This test and protocol may be beneficial for those who have not been able to identify their food sensitivities in the past as well as those with IBS (diarrhea predominant), migraines, and fibromyalgia.


Together we will

  • Identify sources of what you are sensitive to

  • Build a healthy eating pattern that avoids what you are sensitive to while preventing nutrient deficiencies

Celiac Disease

The nutrition therapy for celiac disease is avoidance. You may have been told, "Just avoid gluten," but what does that mean? Is that a low-carb diet? Is it a life filled with eating foods that taste like cardboard and feel like sand in your mouth? Thankfully not! Together we can build a nutritionally balanced eating pattern that doesn't mean death to your taste buds.


Together we will

  • Address if you have any current nutrient deficiencies

  • Learn how to find obvious and hidden sources of gluten

  • Share gluten-free cooking tips and recommended gluten-free foods

  • Build a healthy eating pattern that avoids gluten while preventing nutrient deficiencies

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

IBS often results in, well, irritation. Not just GI irritation but irritation with not finding real ways to deal with symptoms. Whether you have diarrhea predominant, constipation predominant, or mixed IBS, food is one of the most common contributors and can be one of the most effective long-term solutions. 


Together we will

  • Use various tools available (e.g., elimination diets, MRT testing) to identify your food triggers

  • Build a healthy, balanced eating pattern that avoids your food triggers

Ulcerative Colitis (UC)

Ulcerative colitis can result in nutrient deficiencies and impaired nutrient absorption. With those concerns, nutrition absolutely can play a role in the management of ulcerative colitis.


Together we will

  • Discuss potential poor absorption and nutrient deficiencies

  • Determine whether supplements are appropriate

  • Identify foods that may be worsening symptoms

  • Build a healthy, well-tolerated eating pattern

Weight Loss

If we're really honest, the promise of losing 10+ pounds in a week sounds really attractive. How many times have you been on the weight loss - weight gain roller coaster? Are you ready to get off? Together we can build a weight loss plan that is safe and sustainable. We'll teach you the skills needed to then keep the weight off...permanently!


Together we will

  • Discuss your dieting history and why past diets haven't worked for you

  • Develop a safe and gradual weight loss plan

  • Identify healthier swaps for your favorite foods & learn how to beat the desire to munch

  • Learn the skills you need to keep the weight off long-term

  • Build into your lifestyle what you need to keep the weight off and stay healthy

Weight Management

Have you successfully lost weight in the past but feel it starting to creep upward again? Feel the need to re-fresh your skills or learn some new ones that can help you stay healthy in this season of your life?


Together we will

  • Discuss healthier swaps for your favorite foods

  • Identify nutrition skills you need for this season of your life

  • Build a practical, calorie-appropriate, healthy eating plan tailored to you and your needs


Are you wanting to learn more about how to fuel your body well? Do you feel the impending march toward chronic diseases that have plagued your family for generations? Are you confused by all the nutrition information you've received and been left thinking everything will kill you? Let us help you cut through all the noise and identify a manageable, healthy lifestyle that works for you.


Together we will

  • Analyze your current diet

  • Identify areas for improvement

  • Cut through the nutrition confusion and learn how to eat well

  • Learn how you can fuel your body for your optimum health

  • Build a practical, healthy eating plan tailored to you and your needs

Kidney Disease

Confused about how to eat well for your kidneys? Finding conflicting information or just not sure where to start? Let us help you learn how to eat well for chronic kidney disease (CKD) to prevent or delay dialysis. We can also help you prevent kidney stones.


Together we will

  • Discuss how to eat well for your kidneys to prevent progession/worsening

  • Discuss how to eat in a kidney-friendly way that also helps with other conditions you may have, including high blood pressure and diabetes

  • Build a realistic eating plan tailored to you and your needs

High Blood Pressure
High Cholesterol
Crohn's Disease
Type 1 Diabetes
Type 2 Diabetes
Gestational Diabetes
Food Allergies & Intolerances
Food Sensitivities
Celiac Disease
Ulcerative Colitis
Weight Loss
Weight Management
Kidney Disease
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